Category: TechGear

On the Run with the Oakley Radar Pace

No too long ago I got a chance to test the Oakley radar pace. I was quite keen to test these, partially because there is some serious Intel technology in there. And quite frankly...

The Basis Peak hands-on

I was lucky enough to win a basis a peak recently. I have contemplated buying one of these for a while but the price was a reason for me to hesitate. I’m also a...

Why I love my Fuji X20

Earlier this year while travelling I finally bought the Fuji x20. I did quite a bit of research before buying this camera and to date I still like it a lot. First of all...

Yotaphone 2 2min hands-on

Recently the yotaphone 2 caught my eye. The concept of this android phone is very interesting. It has two screens, one normal front facing screen and one e-ink screen on the back. The concept...

Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro

Today I finally had an opportunity to hold the new Lenovo Yoga 3 pro in my hand. This ultrabook had gotten a lot of attention because of it’s design and more specifically the hinge....

Sport trackers

While visiting San Francisco i came across this guy in the apple store. I couldn’t resist to ask him why he was wearing three different sport trackers. His response was quite simple. None of...